Times of India – “NGO For CBI Probe Into 8,257 Going Missing During Militancy Days”

CHANDIGARH: A Punjab based non-government organization, Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project (PDAP) has decided to approach the Supreme Court seeking CBI probe into 8,257 missing persons and those allegedly encountered during the dark days of terrorism in Punjab.

Members of the PDAP, while addressing media here at Chandigarh Press Club on Saturday, said that the organization would request the apex court to hand over the probe to the CBI like it did in Manipur’s alleged extra-judicial killing by the armed forces in July this year.

The organization claims to have carried out a study over the past seven years in which “new evidence” related to 8,257 cases of alleged enforced disappearances and fake encounters between 1980 and 1995 had surfaced. The PDAP members also claimed that in their investigation it had come out that various mass cremations were done of unclaimed and unidentified people during this period.

The PDAP members said that they had prepared the report after an Independent People’s Tribunal (IPT) meetings held over two days in Amritsar in April this year. They claimed that a number of retired judicial officers, advocates and activists from across the country had come to Amritsar to hear to the testimonies of 700 victim families of militancy period. 

Read original article here.

The Kashmir Narrator – Advocacy group to move SC with ‘evidence’ of Punjab disappearances, fake encounters

Advocacy group to move SC with ‘evidence’ of Punjab disappearances, fake encountersThe Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project (PDAP) Saturday said it will approach the Supreme Court with “verifiable evidence” of over 8,000 extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances in Punjab during 1980-1995.The group, a part of The Independent People’s Tribunal (IPT), an outfit of human rights organisations, will also be asking the apex court to give a compensation of Rs 25 lakh to families of each of the persons who went missing, The Tribune reports.Addressing the media in Chandigarh , Justice Suresh (retired from the Bombay High Court); Satnam Singh Bains, human rights activist; Kavita Srivastava, national convener, Peoples Union for Civil Liberties; and Paramjit Kaur Khalra of Khalra Mission Organisation said they had collated compelling information of 8,257 cases of enforced disappearance and fake encounters, following a seven-year investigation.Their report “Indentifying the Unidentified” reveals unknown, unclaimed and unidentified mass cremations, which they claim is verifiable evidence of the killings by the Punjab Police and security services across Punjab.The initial investigation report was released by the group in Amritsar in April this year. A group of retired judges, lawyers and activists from across the country had then come and heard testimonies of 700 victim families. Their report also considers the recent failings of the National Human Rights Commission in the “Punjab mass cremations” case, based on the work of slain human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra.Satnam Singh Bains, representing PDAP, claimed that they have identified and documented hundreds of victims who were allegedly “cremated as unclaimed unidentified” and killed in “fake encounters”.

“In our seven-year long investigation, we have identified 8,257 persons from different sources who disappeared from 1980 to 1995 in Punjab,” he claimed.

Bains said the records pertaining to “disappeared” people were collected by visiting villages, meeting victims’ family members and also from media reports.

“The latest report is a further step in the long struggle by people of Punjab for justice and accountability for victims and for their kin,” Bains said.

Retired Bombay High Court judge Justice Suresh, who was also present, said, “people disappeared. They (their families) have the right to know why they disappeared. They have the right to know why human right violations took place.”

People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) national convener Kavita Srivastava, while speaking on the occasion, sought formation of a judicial commission under retired sitting judge of the Supreme Court to probe the “disappearance” of the people.

Bains said they will soon move to the Supreme Court with the findings of their report and demand detailed investigation in the matter.

Read the original article here.

The Hindustan Times – “8,257 missing because of illegal killings during Punjab militancy days: Civil rights group”

8,257 missing because of illegal killings during Punjab militancy days: Civil rights group

The civil rights group claimed that 8,257 people are missing because of “illegal killings” during the militancy period in Punjab.

HT Correspondent

Hindustan Times, Chandigarh
Justice H Suresh (retd) at a press meet held by Punjab Advocacy and Documentation Project in Chandigarh on Saturday.
Justice H Suresh (retd) at a press meet held by Punjab Advocacy and Documentation Project in Chandigarh on Saturday.(Sanjeev Sharma/HT)

Ahead of filing a petition in the Supreme Court, the Punjab Advocacy and Documentation Project (PADP) on Saturday released a report after a “seven-year investigation into mass killings and disappearances in Punjab in the 1980s and 1990s”. The civil rights group claimed that 8,257 people are missing because of “illegal killings” during the militancy period in Punjab.

Satnam Singh Bains, lawyer with the PADP, said, “The report exposes the systematic killings by police and security services during the period of militancy and counter-insurgency. It mandates an independent judicial inquiry into the 8,257 cases in line with constitutional guarantees and international human rights, so as to uncover the truth and ensure that there is no repetition of mass state crimes.”

He explained that the report follows an “Independent People’s Tribunal held for two days in Amritsar in April, in which a composite panel from judiciary, lawyers and activists from across India came together to hear the testimonies of 700 victim families”.

It comprised AK Ganguly, retired Supreme Court judge; Colin Gonsalves, senior advocate of the SC; and Paramjit Kaur Khalra of Khalra Mission Organisation.

“Our report critically considers the ongoing failings by the National Human Rights Commission in Punjab’s mass cremations’ case based on work done by murdered activist Jaswant Singh Khalra in 1995, who first exposed the mass killings. We have discovered that thousands of victims submitted their cases with the NHRC and its various sub-committees for consideration. Despite 1,527 victims being identified, the commission continues in its refusal to investigate even a single case to determine the cause of death and whether they were killed in fake encounters,” said justice H Suresh (retd), formerly of the Bombay high court.

PADP representatives said they have prepared a report on the missing persons with full names, and a petition is being prepared to be filed in the SC.

Punjab Disappearances: Fake encounters, Bogus killings between 1980 and 1995 revealed – PTC News

Punjab Disappearances: Fake encounters, Bogus killings between 1980 and 1995 revealed


New evidences of 8257 cases of disappearances, mass killing, fake encounters and illegal cremations in Punjab following of a 7 year investigation by the Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project. release of investigative report and People’s Tribunal findings to be petitioned to the Supreme Court of India.

The report was prepared in the month of April in Amritsar by the Independent People’s Tribunal (IPT), outfit of human rights organisations, wherein information was collected on extra-judicial executions and enforced disappearances during the militancy era to the Supreme Court.

Issue of fake encounters between 1980 and 1995 and burning of 900 unidentified bodies during terrorism days of Punjab resurfaces in the reports lately.

The investigation report will be submitted to the supreme court of India to investigate and deliver justice to all victims of disappearances and killing across Punjab beginning with the 8257 cases.

In 7 years, the Punjab Advocacy and Documentation Project (PDP) examined the victims of fake encounters. In ITP, a panel of judges, lawyers and social workers heard the plight and testimony of 700 victims.

According to the report, the National Human Rights Building limited itself to 2067 killings which took place in three districts of Amritsar, however in the end the fake encounter was not detected by refusing to accept all the cases.

Head of Khalra Mission Organization Paramjit Kaur Khalra said that the untimely people will fulfill the responsibility of identifying the people.

Paramjit Kaur Khalra announced to move supreme court on fake encounters between 1980-1995. A tribunal should be made to listens to the victims said Khalra. Among the victims 90% were Sikhs she added.

Human Rights Activist said that the government is doing nothing in the case. The police had tortured people and kids were thrown out of the houses and killed. However no steps have been taken in the same.

The organisations in April came together to form the IPT to discuss – Punjab Disappeared: On extra judicial executions and enforced disappearances during days of terrorism’ for two days starting today.Family members of about 400 affected families from Gurdaspur district participated and narrated their cases.

Activists of Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project (PDAP), Human Rights Law Network, Committee for Co-ordination on Disappearances in Punjab, Lawyers for Human Rights International, Punjab Human Rights Organistion, Khalra Mission Organisation, Sikhs for Human Rights and others took part in the deliberations in April.

Over 8K people disappeared during 1980 till 1995 in Punjab: NGO – The Tribute

Over 8K people disappeared during 1980 till 1995 in Punjab: NGO

Members of the Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project hold a press conference in Chandigarh on Saturday. Tribune photo: Manoj Mahajan

Chandigarh, December 2

Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project (PDAP), an NGO, on Saturday claimed that they have found over 8,000 people going “disappeared” during 1980 till 1995 in Punjab and demanded an independent judicial commission to probe the matter.

Satnam Singh Bains, representing PDAP, claimed that they have identified and documented hundreds of victims who were allegedly “cremated as unclaimed unidentified” and killed in “fake encounters”.

“In our seven-year long investigation, we have identified 8,257 persons from different sources who disappeared from 1980 to 1995 in Punjab,” he claimed.

Bains said the records pertaining to “disappeared” people were collected by visiting villages, meeting victims’ family members and also from media reports.

“The latest report is a further step in the long struggle by people of Punjab for justice and accountability for victims and for their kin,” Bains said.

Retired Bombay High Court judge Justice Suresh, who was also present, said, “people disappeared. They (their families) have the right to know why they disappeared. They have the right to know why human right violations took place.”      

People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) national convener Kavita Srivastava, while speaking on the occasion, sought formation of a judicial commission under retired sitting judge of the Supreme Court to probe the “disappearance” of the people.

Bains said they will soon move to the Supreme Court with the findings of their report and demand detailed investigation in the matter.

Business Standard – “‘Over 8K people disappeared during 1980 till 1995 in Punjab'”

Press Trust of India  |  Chandigarh December 2, 2017 20:20 IST

Read the original article here.

Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project (PDAP), an NGO, today claimed that they have found over 8,000 people going “disappeared” during 1980 till 1995 in Punjab and demanded an independent judicial commission to probe the matter.

Satnam Singh Bains, representing PDAP, claimed that they have identified and documented hundreds of victims who were allegedly “cremated as unclaimed unidentified” and killed in “fake encounters”.

“In our seven-year long investigation, we have identified 8,257 persons from different sources who disappeared from 1980 to 1995 in Punjab,” he claimed.

Bains said the records pertaining to “disappeared” people were collected by visiting villages, meeting victims’ family members and also from media reports.

“The latest report is a further step in the long struggle by people of Punjab for justice and accountability for victims and for their kin,” Bains said.

Retired Bombay High Court judge Justice Suresh, who was also present, said, “people disappeared. They (their families) have the right to know why they disappeared. They have the right to know why human right violations took place.”

People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) national convener Kavita Srivastava, while speaking on the occasion, sought formation of a judicial commission under retired sitting judge of the Supreme Court to probe the “disappearance” of the people.

Bains said they will soon move to the Supreme Court with the findings of their report and demand detailed investigation in the matter.

Release of Investigate Report – Press Release


Compelling new evidence has been collated of 8257 cases of enforced disappearances and fake encounters following a 7-year investigation by the Punjab Documentation and Advocacy Project [PDAP]. The killings  which took place across Punjab from the 1980s to 1995 are released in the PDAP’s report “Identifying the Unidentified.” The investigation reveals thousands of previously unknown, unclaimed, unidentified mass cremations from records recently obtained.

The report presents detailed and verifiable evidence of these systematic killings by the Punjab police and security services, during the period of militancy and counter-insurgency in all of its 22 districts.

The release of our investigative report is a major step for victims. Its findings will be submitted to the Supreme Court of India to investigate and deliver justice to all victims of disappearances and killings across Punjab beginning with these 8257 cases.

Our initial investigations resulted in an Independent People’s Tribunal (IPT) which was held over two days in Amritsar in April, in which a composite panel of retired judiciary, lawyers and activists from across India came together to hear the testimonies of 700 hundred victim families. The IPT comprised of Justice A. K. Ganguly (Retd. Supreme Court Judge), Colin Gonsalves (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court), Kavita Srivastava (National Convener, PUCL), Bibi Paramjit Kaur Khalra (Khalra Mission Organisation), Justice Suresh (Retd. Bombay High Court Judge), Babloo Loitongbam (Human Rights Alert, Manipur), Tapan Bose (Sec. Gen South Asian Human Rights Forum), Soni Sori (Tribal Rights Activist, Chhattisgarh), and Parveena Ahangar (Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, Kashmir).

The report also critically considers the on-going failings by the National Human Rights Commission in the “Punjab Mass Cremations” case based on the work of murdered human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra in 1995, who first exposed and uncovered 2097 mass killings and cremations in three cremation grounds in the district of Amritsar. We continue his work which remains unfinished and presents only a partial picture of the actual number of killings that took place in Punjab.

“Families need to know what happened to their loved ones who disappeared. The evidence of these new mass cremations must be independently investigated for justice and accountability.”


Photos from the Independent Peoples’ Tribunal – April 2017

The Independent People’s Tribunal: Carrying the scars, burden and legacy of survivors.


On the 1st and 2nd April 2017, we convened an Independent Peoples’ Tribunal (IPT) in Amritsar. Such tribunals play an important role in analysing why the judicial system has been incapable and unwilling to redress serious violations of fundamental rights and highlights institutional failures. In the Indian context, IPT’s have played a significant role in providing a platform for those disenfranchised and exert a moral pressure on the judiciary to act. We felt that in the Punjab context, such an endeavour was particularly important to give many victims an opportunity otherwise denied to them to have their voices heard.

Over two days, a composite panel of retired judiciary and prominent activists and academics from across India heard many testimonies of the forgotten survivors whose loved ones had disappeared. Most victims were themselves victims of torture. It is a sad indictment on the system of justice In India that the phenomena of Independent Peoples’ Tribunal or Indian Peoples’ Tribunal have become an alternative forum for victims to narrate their experiences when courts have failed them.

The IPT also heard expert evidence from human rights lawyers and activists from Punjab – of their own experiences and long and endless struggle for justice, and the repeated accounts of endemic failures of the judicial process to investigate, prosecute, and hold to account those responsible for mass state violence.

We were overwhelmed by the response. Over 700 victim families and survivors attended over two days. Due to the sheer numbers and constraints of time, we regret that all the victims were not able to depose before the panel. There were diverse cases from all over Punjab, which include those from Amritsar whose loved ones were cremated in the three cremation grounds as well others cases across Punjab of unclaimed unidentified cremations. Cases where the victims were disappeared or killed outside of Punjab. Cases investigated by the CBI where a charge sheet had been filed confirming that the encounters were fake yet have been lingering before the Indian Courts for 20 years or more. The common themes in these cases are the persistent denial of justice and access to justice.